The Code for Loan App

"use strict"

//Gets the id of an element
const $ =(id)=> {return document.getElementById(id)};

//this object will hold the loan information
//we will access this information and display
//the values entered by the user.
const loanInfo = {};

//get the values function
const getValues =()=> {

    //user input
    let loanAmount = parseFloat($("loan-amount").value);
    let term = parseFloat($("term").value);
    let rate = parseFloat($("rate").value);

    //Insert properties inside the LoanInfo Object
    loanInfo.amount = loanAmount;
    loanInfo.terms = term;
    loanInfo.interest = rate;

    //calculate monthly payment using pre-made formula
    let x = Math.pow(1 + (rate/1200), term); //Math.pow 
    let monthlyPayment = (loanAmount*x*(rate/1200))/(x-1);

    //this variable will hold the total amount of Interest paid
    let totalInterest = 0;

    //this variable will hold the remaining balance left
    let balance = 0;

    //Display the original values enterted by the user
    //format the numbers to only two decimal places
    $("desc").innerHTML = `Loan amount: $${loanInfo.amount.toFixed(2)}
`; $("desc").innerHTML += `Term in months: ${loanInfo.terms}
`; $("desc").innerHTML += `Rate: ${loanInfo.interest.toFixed(2)}%`; //Table Heading. Dark row let darkRow = $("tBody").insertRow(); //We use this array to populate the Table Heading Row dynamically let tableHeading = ['Month', 'Payment', 'Principal', 'Interest', 'Total Interest', 'Balance']; //using a for loop we access the tableHeading array and add a new cell //at position index. We also add a special class that makes the data cells //bold and orange. for(var i = 0; i < tableHeading.length; i++) { let nC = darkRow.insertCell(); nC.classList.add("my-bold"); nC.innerHTML = tableHeading[i]; } //The dark row needs indeed a class that makes the heading //dark darkRow.classList.add("table-dark"); //We use a for loop to iterate over the total period of time //we access the object with the terms property for(var i = 1; i <= loanInfo.terms; i++) { //inserts a new row on every iteration let nRow = $("tBody").insertRow(); /*******ALL CELLS THAT GO INSIDE THE ROW*******/ //This cell holds the months let month = nRow.insertCell(); month.innerHTML = i; //This cell holds the monthly payments let payment = nRow.insertCell(); payment.innerHTML = `${monthlyPayment.toFixed(2)}`; //This cell holds the amount of money that goes to the principal let monthlyPrincipal = nRow.insertCell(); //we find the principal with this formula let principal = monthlyPayment - (loanAmount * (rate/1200)); monthlyPrincipal.innerHTML = `${principal.toFixed(2)}`; //This cell holds the monthly interest let monthInterest = nRow.insertCell(); let interest = loanAmount * (rate /1200); monthInterest.innerHTML = `${interest.toFixed(2)}`; //This cell holds the total interest paid let totalInterestPaid = nRow.insertCell(); //we simply add the interest on every iteration //and store the value in a new variable totalInterest += interest; totalInterestPaid.innerHTML = `${totalInterest.toFixed(2)}`; //update the loan amount after every iteration loanAmount -= principal; //display the remaining balance let reamingBalance = nRow.insertCell(); balance = loanAmount; reamingBalance.innerHTML = `${balance.toFixed(2)}`; } //display monthly payments $("monthly-title").innerHTML = `Your Monthly Payments`; $("monthly-payment").innerHTML = `$${monthlyPayment.toFixed(2)}`; //display the total interest the customer will pay $("total-interest").innerHTML = `Total Interest: $${totalInterest.toFixed(2)}`; //display the total cost of the loan. add total interest and initial loanAmount $('total-cost').innerHTML = `Total cost: $${(totalInterest + loanInfo.amount).toFixed(2)}`; } //We load the script after the DOM loads window.onload =()=> { //Event listener for the onlclick event $("calculate").onclick =()=> { //We make sure the customer enters valid data if($("loan-amount").value && $("term").value && $("rate").value && $("rate").value != 0){ //we reset the body table first $("tBody").innerHTML = ""; //then we call the getValues function getValues(); //reset the form $("my-form").reset(); } else { //added some feedback for the customer alert("Please enter valid numbers!\n rate must be greater than 0.") } } }
Code Desc.

The Loan App is structured as folllow.

Using the arrow function syntax, we have declared a function that takes a single parameter—the ID of an element inside the HTML DOC. Then it returns its value.

Following this, we have declared an empty object. This object will later hold the information of the loan application.

Now, using the arrow function syntax, we have declared another function that gets the values the user enters. This function does a few tasks. Let's break them down one by one.

First, we retrieved the values and even though we have used a type of number in the HTML form. Then, we have implemented an extra layer of authentication using the parseFloat method to convert a type string to a number.

After, we have inserted the properties into the loanInfo object declared above.

Now, we have used a pre-made formula to find the monthly payments the user has to make.

We then declared two variables one for the total amount of interest the user has paid so far and the second for the remaining balance the user has.

The subsequent three statements are displaying the values entered by the user. We have accessed the loanInfo object in this case to show each property.

The next for loop iterates over the loanInfo object property of terms. In this case, it is the time frame the customer has to pay the loan back. We inserted a new row on every iteration, and inside that row, we added the table data of 'month,' 'payment,' 'principal,' 'interest,' 'total interest,' and 'balance.'

We find every value using basic math, and we have inserted those values in their respective cell.

At the end of the function, we display the monthly payment, the total interest, and the total cost of the loan.

Finally, the window object and the onload method are implemented to load the script after the DOM has loaded completely. In addition, we have added an event listener of the onlclick event for the calculate button. They are using a call-back function to call the getValues function. The form will be reset on every event, and the table body will be deleted. A simple if/else statement ensures that the customer enters valid values; otherwise, we alert a message.